Joint Statement of the Fifth Trilateral Summit Meeting among the People s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan on Agricultural Cooperation.
Type of law
The three countries agreed that sound cooperation in agriculture among the three countries is important for enhancing food security, promoting steady social and economic growth and maintaining multiple functions such as conserving lands and preserving biodiversity. Acknowledging that there is sound foundation and great potential to enhance trilateral agricultural cooperation, they decided to advance their cooperate in the sphere of agriculture. The scope of such cooperation includes: a) to exchange information on agricultural policies pertaining to food security and researchers as well as to seek joint research opportunities all through means like co-hosting of symposiums while focusing on fostering trilateral cooperation on the food security issue at a regional and international level including AFSIS (ASEAN Food Security Information System), APTERR (ASEAN+3 Emergency Rice Reserve) and APIP (Asia-Pacific Information Platform on food security); b) to share the status of and exchange information about plant and animal diseases such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Avian Influenza (AI) that break out frequently throughout Asia, and consider the feasibility of establishing a center for disease control and prevention as joint response efforts; c) to share the information of natural disasters and to exert concerted efforts in avoiding and mitigating natural disasters as well as in restoring agricultural production damaged by natural disasters; d) to assess the status of trilateral cooperation in promoting the exchange of researchers and organizing joint research, workshops and symposiums so as to share information on common issues; e) to promote trade in food and agricultural products while pursuing sustainable agriculture through a possible economic partnership among China, Japan and Korea; f) to enhance cooperation at regional and global fora like ASEAN+3, APEC, FAO, and G20.
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in force
Legislation Amendment