Environmental Impact Assessment of Certain Works Law, 2005 (Law No. 140( )/2005).
Type of law
This Law provides for the compulsory impact assessment of certain establishments or projects which due to their potential and substantial environmental impacts need a full EIA study. The projects must be evaluated before any construction works are initiated or a license is issued by the competent administrative authority. The law establishes procedures for impact assessment, defines the participation of stakeholders in assessment procedures and prohibits the granting of construction permit or approval to perform works without taking into consideration, prior the issuance of the permit, the views of the authority responsible for environmental protection. The First and Second Annexes to this law identify categories of establishments or projects which must be subjected to an environmental impact assessment. The law shall not apply to works which will be carried out under the provisions of a particular law issued especially for that project or is a public work declared by decree of the Ministers Cabinet as a public work of an extremely specific nature.
Attached files
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Efimerida tis Dimokratias No. 4055, Supplement I, Part I, 2 December 2005.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
2005 ( . 140( )/2005).
Amended by
Implemented by