Waste Law, 2011 (Law No. 185( )/2011).
Type of law
The Law aims at harmonizing the Cypriot legislative framework with Directive 2008/98/EC on waste and intends creating the suitable legislative framework for harmonizing the Cypriot legislation, through secondary legislation, with a number of other related EU directives. The Law also provides for the implementation at a national level of Regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006 on shipments of waste, as last amended with Commission Regulation (EU) No. 664/2011. The law lays down measures to protect the environment and human health by preventing or reducing the adverse impacts of the generation and management of waste and by reducing overall impacts of resource use and improving the efficiency of such use. The measures include, among others, waste prevention, recycling and re-use, handling and labelling of hazardous waste, waste disposal, producer responsibility, public participation, ban on the mixing of hazardous waste and offences. The law is divided in fourteen Parts, as follows: Part I, General Provisions (articles 1-10); Part II, General Requirements (articles 11-14); Part III, waste management (articles 15-22); Part IV, Cost (article 23); Part V, Permits and registration (articles 24-34); Part VI, Waste management plans and waste prevention programmes (articles 35-36); Part VII, Public participation (articles 37-42); Part VIII, Advisory Committee for waste management (article 43); Part IX, Implementation of the law (articles 44-48); Part X, Offenses and administrative infringements Sanctions and penalties (articles 49-52); Part XI, Fees (article 53); Part XII, Issuance of Regulations and Orders (articles 54-55); Part XIII, Reports to the Commission (article 56); Part XIV, Final provisions (article 57). Six Annexes are attached to the text of the present Law.
Attached files
Web site
Chemicals and Waste
Date of text
As established by article 57 to this law, as from its entry into force, the Solid and Hazardous Waste Laws 2002-2011 shall be repealed. However, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Decisions and other legislation deriving thereof, shall remain in force until they get revoked or replaced.
Serial Imprint
Efimerida tis Dimokratias No. 4313, Part I, Supplement I, 23 December 2011, pp. 1531-1625.
Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Basel Convention
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
2011 ( . 185( )/2011).
Toolkit legislation
Regulatory Approach
Amended by
Implemented by