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Order 2-531 of 2020 of Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia on Template for Charter of Water User Organization

Type of law

This Order approves the template for a charter of a water user organization. The template charter consists of 18 articles: General provisions (1); Name and location of the water user organization (2); Goals, functions and scope of activities of the water user organization (3); Membership and member rights and duties of the water user organization (4); Water user organization management and internal control bodies (5); General meeting of the water user organization (6); Management of the water user organization (7); Audit commission of the water user organization (8); Dispute resolution commission of the water user organization (9); Structure of the water user organization (10); Property of the water user organization (11); Finances and accounting of the water user organization (12); State supervision of the water user organization (13); Water user fee (14); Method of the fee collection (15); Documents of the water user organization (16); Making amendments and additions to the charter of the water user organization (17); and Reorganization/liquidation of the water user organization (18).
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
2020 2-531