Ministerial Joint Decree No. 50388/2704/ 103 amending and completing Cabinet Decree No. 2/1.2.2001 on fresh waters emission standards with regard to discharges of certain dangerous substances belonging to List II of Council Directive 76/464/EEC.
Type of law
This Ministerial Decree aims at the implementation of the provisions of article 9 of Law 1650/1986 and at the same time aims at fully complying with the provisions of article 7 of Council Directive 76/464/EEC, so as to protect the aquatic environment of the country from pollution which is particularly caused by discharges to waters containing certain persistent, toxic and bioaccumulable substances which are included into List II of the aforementioned Directive. Thus, article 4 of Cabinet Decree No. 2/1.2.2001 referring to the national Programme on pollution reduction is hereby amended. Also, Annex II of article 6 to the aforementioned degree is replaced by the Annex to the present Ministerial Decree. The present Annex establishes the national Program for pollution reduction of surface waters for the compounds of List II, candidates for List I (C176, 14/07/1982/EEC), according to article 7 of Directive 76/464/EEC. Aim of the Programme is to control and reduce the substances found in the surface waters of the country and referred to in the Lists. The competent authority for the implementation of the Programme shall be the Department of Waters, Environmental Planning Directorate (under the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works), supported by an inter-ministerial Steering Committee. With the Programme, a national network for monitoring of surface waters quality is created. The network comprises 183 monitoring and sampling stations established on 11 river bodies, 7 lakes and 4 marine areas (listed in the Programme). The choice of points of sampling and monitoring stations has been done in such a way so as to cover all water bodies of the country. Field of application of the Program are the internal surface waters and internal coastal (brackish) waters of the national territory.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The Decree shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Serial Imprint
Efimeris tis Kyverniseos No. 1874, Part II, 25 August 2011, pp. 25624-25627.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
. 50388/2704/ 103. 2/1.2.2001 II 76/464/ .