Indonesian Civil Code. 29 Apr 1847 | Indonesia Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: ins211246.pdf
Ordinance on Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones, 1939. 18 Aug 1939 | Indonesia Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Enforcement, Fines Download: ins27223.pdf
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. 17 Aug 1945 | Indonesia Legislation Constitution FAOLEX Download: ins127515.pdf
Act concerning Indonesian Waters (No. 4 of 1960). 18 Feb 1960 | Indonesia Repealed Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Labelling Download: ins1650.pdf
Basic Agrarian Act (No. 5 of 1960). 24 Sep 1960 | Indonesia Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Certification, Fines Download: ins3920.pdf
Foreign Ships - Innocent Passage in Indonesian Waters (Government Decree No. 36 of 1962). 25 Jul 1962 | Indonesia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Keywords: Enforcement Download: ins1647.pdf
Basic Forestry Law (Act No. 5 of 1967). 24 May 1967 | Indonesia Repealed Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: ins3173.pdf
Law on the basic provisions of mining (Law 11/67). 02 Dec 1967 | Indonesia Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Fines, Consultations Download: ins40734.pdf
Agreement between the Government of Malaysia and the Government of Indonesia on the delimitation of the Continental Shelves between the two countries. 27 Oct 1969 | Indonesia Malaysia Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Keywords: Consultations Download: bi-32066.pdf
Regulation on the implementation of the Law on the basic provisions of mining, Law No. 11/67. 31 Dec 1969 | Indonesia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Keywords: Levies, Circular economy, Labelling Download: ins40735.pdf