By-law of the SIC ICWC branches in the Aral Sea basin states. Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: mul215837.pdf
By-law of the Coordination Metrological Center ICWC. Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: mul215839.pdf
By-law of the Basin Water Association Amudarya Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: mul215840.pdf
By-law of the Basin Water Association Syrdarya Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: mul215841.pdf
Veterinary and Sanitary Requirements for apiculture. 15 Dec 1976 | Kyrgyzstan Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: kyr109845.pdf
Methodical Instruction No. MU-4266-87 regarding assessment of degree of hazardousness of soil pollution by chemicals. 13 Mar 1987 | Kyrgyzstan Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: kyr104470.pdf
Law of the Kyrgyz SSR on lease and lease relations. 14 Apr 1990 | Kyrgyzstan Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Circular economy, Subsidies Download: kyr16806.pdf
Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Kyrgyz SSR on the procedure for effectuation of the Law of the Kyrgyz SSR on lease and lease relationships. 14 Apr 1990 | Kyrgyzstan Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: kyr16807.pdf
Law on peasant farms. 02 Feb 1991 | Kyrgyzstan Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Keywords: Taxes, Certification Download: kyr16805.pdf
Ministerial Decree No. 167 validating the Regulation on health resort Jalal-abad and health resort spa Teplyje kljuchi . 19 Apr 1991 | Kyrgyzstan Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: kyr95114.pdf