Hunting Law (2003)
Type of law
Date of original text
The purpose of this Law is to regulate the basic rules of hunting farms. Hunting is a set of activities or individual activities when, using hunting firearms, gear or techniques, game animals are tracked or searched for, caught, captured, injured or killed. Similar to hunting: (a) killing game animals kept in a fenced area in conditions similar to wild animals, using hunting firearms and hunting tools; the killing of game animals kept in conditions similar to wild animals in a fenced area is subject only to the safety requirements set forth in the laws and regulations governing hunting; (b) killing escaped captive-bred animals in hunting areas (upon a written request of the animal owner to the user of the hunting right) using hunting firearms and hunting gear; and (c) killing of stray domestic (room) animals in hunting grounds, using hunting firearms and in compliance with international agreements regulating animal protection and other regulatory acts. Hunting is prohibited: (a) in cemeteries; (b) in places where there is no registered hunting station, except for: hunting of unlimited game animals, in which the holder of hunting rights or a person authorized by him in writing participates; hunting of unlimited game animals in public waterbodies and in their tow lane; tracking of an injured game animal in accordance with the procedures specified in the regulatory acts; and (c) in cases specified in other regulatory acts. The Cabinet of Ministers shall determine the species of game animals, hunting deadlines, as well as cases when hunting outside the hunting deadlines is possible. Hunting deadlines for game birds are not determined during their breeding period or at any other stage important for the development of the species. The Cabinet of Ministers determines the procedure by which the State Forestry Service is entitled to change the hunting terms for mammals, as well as to determine additional restrictions or reliefs for the organization of hunting according to the state of the relevant animal population, damage caused by animals, meteorological conditions and phenological situation. Game animals living in the wild become the property of natural and legal persons only after they have been hunted in accordance with the procedures specified in this Law and other laws and regulations governing hunting. Game animals kept in a fenced area under conditions similar to wild game, as well as game animals born in a fenced area, are the property of the natural or legal person who has received a permit for keeping wild game animals in captivity in the specific area in accordance with the procedures specified in the laws and regulations. The hunting season is the period from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. A hunter's license is a document that is required to obtain a hunting permit, a hunter's season card and a permit to purchase a hunting firearm, as well as to be allowed to hunt in accordance with the procedures set forth in this law and other laws and regulations governing hunting. Hunters who have a hunting firearm possession permit issued by the State Police may hunt with hunting firearms. The State Forestry Service issues a hunter's or hunting manager's license to persons who have passed the relevant exam at the hunters' examination commission. This Law establishes the minimum hunting areas in which it is allowed to hunt game animals in the relevant hunting ground. It also specifies the types of illegal hunting (poaching). In order to develop the hunting farm, the Hunting Farm Development Fund is established. The holder of the fund is the Ministry of Agriculture.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
The Latvian version of this Law is consolidated as at 26 November 2015.
Serial Imprint
Latvijas V stnesis, 107, 23.07.2003.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Zi ot js, 17, 11.09.2003.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Med bu likums (2003)
Amended by
Implemented by