Veterinary Medicine Law (2001)
Type of law
Date of original text
This Law regulates veterinary medicine. Its purpose is to regulate the prevention and combating of infectious animal diseases, veterinary medical practice, the circulation of products of animal origin, veterinary control of the import and transit of animal products and products of animal origin, and determine the rights and obligations of State and local government institutions, as well as of individual persons, in this field. The Law further provides food and veterinary service; infectious animal diseases and their prevention; liquidation and prevention of danger of epizootic outbreaks; combating of infectious animal diseases (except epizootic) monitored by the state; supervision of circulation of products of animal origin; distribution of unprocessed food products of animal origin and veterinary expert-examination; veterinary control on the state border and in customs warehouses; rights of veterinary medical practice; rights and obligations of a practising veterinarian; and rights and obligations of animal owners.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
The Latvian version of this Law is consolidated as at 30 March 2017.
Serial Imprint
Latvijas V stnesis, 75, 16.05.2001.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Zi ot js, 11, 07.06.2001.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Veterin rmedic nas likums (2001)
Implemented by