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Resolution No. 2/2022 approving the drinking water tariffs applicable to the Water Supply Systems of Private Water Suppliers, nationwide and sets the minimum consumption at 5m3 per month for all Private Water Supply Systems.

Type of law

This Resolution approves the drinking water tariffs applicable to the Water Supply Systems of Private Water Suppliers, nationwide and sets the minimum consumption at 5m3 per month for all Private Water Supply Systems. Drinking water tariffs applicable to the Water Supply Systems of Private Water Suppliers, at national level, are approved, in the following terms: a) maximum tariff of 77.00MT per cubic meter, for Water Supply Systems located in areas with public power grid; and b) maximum tariff of 88.00MT per cubic meter, for Water Supply Systems located in areas without public electricity grid. The minimum consumption for all Private Water Supply Systems is set at 5m3 per month. The value of the minimum consumption invoice is established by multiplying the tariff by the minimum consumption applied in the respective Private Water Supply System.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Resolution takes effect on 1 December 2022.
Serial Imprint
Boletim da Rep blica, I S rie, 3rd Supplement, No. 249.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Resolu o n. 2/2022: Aprova as tarifas de gua pot vel aplic veis aos Sistemas de Abastecimento de gua dos Fornecedores Privados de gua, a n vel nacional e fixa em 5m3 por m s o consumo m nimo para todos os Sistemas Privados de Abastecimento de gua.