Resolution No. 40/2023 approving the Action Plan for the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism.
Type of law
This Resolution approves the Action Plan for the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism PARPU III (2022-2025). The plan is a follow-up instrument to the recommendations adopted by Mozambique at the 48th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) in the context of the report presented during the assessment of the country's human right situation carried out at the 38th Session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group, in May 2021. Its mission aims at progressively improving the situation of human rights in Mozambique in combination with other instruments and mechanisms through the effective and efficient implementation of the recommendations of the 3th Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism (MRPU).
In particular, the Plan aims to contribute to the following objectives: 1) harmonize the lines of action for the various instruments and mechanisms of sectoral public policies in matters of human rights, to ensure a better institutional and operational framework and alignment; 2) reinforce the coordination of the various related state bodies, with a view to fulfilling by the Mozambican State the obligations arising from the Universal Periodic Review, their alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the recommendations of the committees and UN special procedures on human rights relating to the country; 3) monitor the implementation carried out by the various stakeholders and national human rights institutions of the obligations arising from the human rights recommendations; 4) prepare the Mid-Term Review of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism on the current state of implementation of the recommendations adopted by the country, and the country's assessment of the 4th Cycle of the MRPU in 2026; and 5) improve the human rights situation in Mozambique at various levels, with regard to compliance with constitutional precepts and international obligations.
In particular, the Plan aims to contribute to the following objectives: 1) harmonize the lines of action for the various instruments and mechanisms of sectoral public policies in matters of human rights, to ensure a better institutional and operational framework and alignment; 2) reinforce the coordination of the various related state bodies, with a view to fulfilling by the Mozambican State the obligations arising from the Universal Periodic Review, their alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the recommendations of the committees and UN special procedures on human rights relating to the country; 3) monitor the implementation carried out by the various stakeholders and national human rights institutions of the obligations arising from the human rights recommendations; 4) prepare the Mid-Term Review of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism on the current state of implementation of the recommendations adopted by the country, and the country's assessment of the 4th Cycle of the MRPU in 2026; and 5) improve the human rights situation in Mozambique at various levels, with regard to compliance with constitutional precepts and international obligations.
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Date of text
Entry into force notes
Serial Imprint
Boletim da Rep blica, I S rie, No. 198.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Resolu o n. 40/2023: Aprova o Plano de Ac o do Mecanismo de Revis o Peri dica Universal.