Act relating to the generation, conversion, transmission, trading, distribution and use of energy etc. (The Energy Act).
Type of law
Date of original text
This Act applies to the production, conversion, transmission, trading, distribution and use of energy. The Ministry may issue regulations or in individual cases limit the implementation of certain provisions of this Act as regards to installations, objects or activities. The Act does not apply to the right to use waterfalls or watercourses. The Ministry sets the amount of performance or how many consumers a district heating plant will include. Installations exempt from this Act may be required to connect to other facilities. The purpose of this Act is to ensure that the generation, transmission, trading, distribution and use of energy takes place in a socially efficient manner, including taking account of public and private interests affected.
Chapter overview: General provisions (1); Procedures (2); Electrical installations (3); Trade of electrical energy (4); District heating plants (5); System responsibility, rationing and delivery (6); Energy planning (7); Energy condition of property (8); Preparedness (9); Miscellaneous provisions (10); Entry into force, changes in other laws (11).
Chapter overview: General provisions (1); Procedures (2); Electrical installations (3); Trade of electrical energy (4); District heating plants (5); System responsibility, rationing and delivery (6); Energy planning (7); Energy condition of property (8); Preparedness (9); Miscellaneous provisions (10); Entry into force, changes in other laws (11).
Attached files
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
The Act enters into force on 1 January 1991. H.M. the King shall decide on entry into force of other parts of this Act. Provisions of articles 5-1, 5-2, 5-4 and 5-6 (respectively: concession for district heating plants, terms and conditions of concessions, duty of energy supply, duty of negotiation) do not apply to the district heating system in operation when the Act is entered into force.
The Norwegian is a consolidated version of Act No. 50 of 1990 as amended last by Act No. 87 of 2016. The English text is a consolidated version of Act No. 16 of 1917 as amended last by No. 131 of 19 December 2003.This Act does not apply to the Norwegian territorial waters.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Lov 1990-06-29 nr 50: Lov om produksjon, omforming, overføring, omsetning, fordeling og bruk av energi m.m. (energiloven).