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Decree No. 755 of 2011 to regulate fishing with bottom gear in the Norwegian Economic Zone and the Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen and the fisheries protection zone of Svalbard.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Decree concerns the protection of deep-sea habitat in the Norwegian Economic Zone including the Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen and the fisheries protection zone of Svalbard from use of bottom gear. Specific requirements are set out for existing areas (with waters not deeper than 1000 meters) and new areas (deeper than 1000 meters) that can we found on the website of the Fisheries Directorate. Fishing in new areas requires a special permit from the Fisheries Directorate. Vessels that calculate the vulnerable habitat indicators. If gear comes into contact with a vulnerable habitat (collision) the vessel shall without undue delay - (a) report the incident to the Directorate of Fisheries; and (b) stop fishing and move at least 2 nautical miles from the position where collision occurred. A collision is defined as a catch containing at least a certain amount of coral and sponge.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version as amended last by Decree No. 234 of 2016.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om regulering av fiske med bunnredskap i Norges konomiske sone, fiskerisonen rundt Jan Mayen og i fiskevernsonen ved Svalbard.