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Regulation No. 1346 on fishing for cod, haddock and saithe in 2012 North of 62 N.

Type of law

This regulation sets rules on total allowable catch, quota and bycatch authorization for cod, haddock and pollock fishing. The total allowable catch thereof is limited to 340 196 tons of cod and 156 153 tons of haddock in the area north of 62 N, and 142 000 tons of saithe in the inland waters, territorial sea and exclusive economic zone north of 62 N. In addition, 7 000 tons of cod, 2 000 tons of haddock and 800 tons of pollock are allocated for research and educational purposes. 7 000 tons of cod, 300 tons of haddock and 2 000 tons of pollock are allocated for catch in the youth fishing programme and recreational fishing (recreational and tourist fishing), 3 000 tons cod for the monitoring of coastal range of Finnmark, and 400 tons of saithe for bait purposes. Fishing methods permitted are specified under Chapters 2 and 3. Regular fishing vessels that do not qualify to participate in fishery for pollock with yarn, are allowed to a maximum of 50% by-catch. Fishing vessels equipped with conventional gear and of less than 500 m3 cargo volume may participate in group fishing (Chapter 5).
Appendix 1 - Coastal cod regulation - restrictions (nor115585.pdf).
Appendix 2 - Preliminary protection of coastal fishing for cod in 2010 (nor115585A.pdf).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Entry into force on 1 January 2012 with validity until 31 December 2012.
Amended by Regulation No. 1472 of 21 December 2011.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
FOR 2011-12-15 nr 1346: Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter torsk, hyse og sei nord for 62 N i 2012.