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Regulation on detailed veterinary requirements for semen of sheep, goats and equine animals, and ova and embryos of sheep, goats, equine animals and pigs.

Type of law

This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of five paragraphs, establishes detailed veterinary requirements for semen of sheep, goats and equine animals, and ova and embryos of sheep, goats, equine animals and pigs. Par. 1 point 1 specifies requirements for marketing of semen of sheep, goats and equine animals, and par. 1 point 2 requirements for marketing of ova and embryos of sheep, goats, equine animals and pigs. Par. 1 point 3 provides requirements for labeling and transportation of semen, ova and embryos. Par. 2 lays down provisions concerning health certificates of semen, ova and embryos. Par. 3 establishes requirements for production, acquisition, conservation, processing and storage.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation entered into force on 8 April 2011.
Serial Imprint
Journal of Laws 2011 No. 63 Pos. 330
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Rozporzadzenie w sprawie szczegolowych wymagan weterynaryjnych majacych zastosowanie do nasienia owiec, koz i koniowatych oraz komorek jajowych i zarodkow owiec, koz, koniowatych i swin.