Anti-Hog Cholera Serum and Hog-Cholera Virus (7 U.S.C. 851-855).
Type of law
Date of original text
This Chapter implements US policy concerning the maintenance of an adequate supply of anti-hog-cholera serum and hog-cholera virus by regulating the marketing of such serum and virus in interstate and foreign commerce, and to prevent undue and excessive fluctuations and unfair methods of competition and unfair trade practices in such marketing. The Secretary of Agriculture is accordingly given the power to enter into marketing agreements with manufacturers and others engaged in the handling of anti-hog-cholera serum and hog-cholera virus only with respect to interstate or foreign commerce or which directly burdens, obstructs, or affects interstate or foreign commerce in such serum and virus.
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Date of consolidation/reprint
Serial Imprint
United States Code - Title 7 - Agriculture.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment