Ordinance on the protection of native fauna and flora. 09 Jan 1969 | Switzerland Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: swi103402.pdf
Arr t concernant les installations d'alimentation en eau potable. 08 Jan 1969 | Switzerland Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: swi54206.pdf
Arr t n 691 portant cr ation de la r serve de p che de la Taouey (d partement de Tagana). 06 Jan 1969 | Senegal Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: sen1838.pdf
Arr t n 692 portant la cr ation de la r serve de p che de Falo Malao (d partement de Podor). 06 Jan 1969 | Senegal Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: sen1839.pdf
Arr t n 695 portant cr ation de la r serve de p che de Sinthiou Amadi Mariam (d partement de Podor). 06 Jan 1969 | Senegal Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: sen1840.pdf
Arr t n 696 portant cr ation de la r serve de p che de N'Doufo (d partement de Podor). 06 Jan 1969 | Senegal Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: sen1841.pdf
Arr t n 697 portant cr ation de la r serve de p che de Nalal (d partement de Matam). 06 Jan 1969 | Senegal Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: sen1842.pdf
Public Health Act; 1969 01 Jan 1969 | Eswatini Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: swa204878.pdf