Declaration and exchange of notes concerning the termination of the process of demarcation of the Peruvian-Ecuadorean frontier. 22 May 1944 | Peru Ecuador Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: bi-231317.pdf
D cret du 4 avril 1944 d clarant "zone r serv e" toute l' tendue nationale comprise dans les limites des Iles de la Gon ve et de la Tortue. 04 Apr 1944 | Haiti Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: hai2938.pdf
Coconut Committee Act, 1944 (Act No. X of 1944). 31 Mar 1944 | Bangladesh Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: bgd90122.pdf
Offensive Trade Regulations. 16 Mar 1944 | Guyana Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: guy204773.pdf
Loi du 1er mars 1944 interdisant l'exportation des b ches et planches d'acajous et de tous autres bois pr cieux non manifactur s. 01 Mar 1944 | Haiti Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: hai39440.pdf
Decreto Supremo N 366 - Regula corta y explotaci n de especies forestales nativas. 17 Feb 1944 | Chile Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: chi65244.pdf
Treaty between the United States of America and Mexico for the utilization of waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande. 03 Feb 1944 | United States of America Mexico Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Keywords: Labelling, Certification, Enforcement Download: bi-51880.pdf
Abattoirs Restriction Proclamation 8 of 1944. 28 Jan 1944 | Namibia Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: nam230554.pdf
D cret-loi du 14 janvier 1944 sur l'abattage des vaches et des genisses. 14 Jan 1944 | Haiti Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: hai88919.pdf
Decreto N 2.021/44 - Proh be la exportaci n de harina de hueso y los compuestos que la contengan. 14 Jan 1944 Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: par42930.pdf