UNEP would like to thank the World Resources Institute, the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University and the University of Strathclyde for their invaluable assistance with the collation of these laws, as well as its long-standing partner FAOLEX.


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Showing 1 - 10 of 734 results
| 2024 |
The Environment Act (No. 3 of 2024).

This Act, divided into eighteen Parts, and consisting of 151 sections, provides for a modern legislative framework that ensures better protection, management and conservation of the environment. The Act defines the following relevant terms: accredited laboratory, to provide environmental data and conduct analyses of environmental samples; Central Water Authority; circular economy; climate change...

Impacts, Plastic waste, Waste, Circular economy, Pollutants, Hazardous waste, Integrated coastal zone management, Dumping, Open dumping
| 2024 |
Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2024.

These Rules amend the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 (principal Rules). Section 3 of the principal Rules are amended by substituting the definitions for phrases such as Biodegradable plastics, Importer, manufacturer and producer. The definition of seller is inserted. Rule 4 is amended which prohibits manufacturers from selling plastic used as raw material to a producer or seller not...

Plastic waste, Waste management, Plastic packaging, Plastics, Biodegradable plastics, Compostable plastics, Extended Producer Responsibility, Waste, Recycling, Certification, Single-use plastic products, Labelling, Plastic sheets
Legislation | 2023 |
Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations

Canada Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations Regulations SOR-138 of 2022 Commenced [This is the version of this document at 25 July 2023.] Whereas, pursuant to subsection 332(1) a of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 b , the Minister of the Environment published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on December 25, 2021, a copy of the...

| 2023 |
The Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act, no. 3 of 2023.

This Act, consisting of 55 articles and divided into nine Parts, provides for a regulatory framework in order to ensure the environmentally safe and sound management of solid and hazardous wastes and a sustainable waste management system through the adoption of a circular economy approach focusing on waste reduction, reuse, material recovery and recycling. The Act concerns: commercial waste; waste...

Waste, Waste management, Hazardous waste, Domestic waste, Recycling, Resource recovery, Waste prevention, Circular economy, Reuse, Waste minimization, Impacts, Waste management facilities
Legislation | 2022 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Microplastic Filters (Washing Machines) Bill
United Kingdom Microplastic Filters (Washing Machines) Bill Published on 31 December 2022 Not commenced [This is the version of this document from 31 December 2022.] [The publication date of this work could not be ascertained. We used the date 31 December 2022 because the work was published during the course of the year 2022.] A BILL TO Require manufacturers to fit microplastic-catching filters to...
| 2022 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Plastic Packaging Tax (General) Regulations 2022

Part 2 of the Finance Act 2021 introduced the Plastic Packaging Tax and set out its framework and key definitions. These Regulations set out detailed administrative requirements for the Plastic Packaging Tax. Definitions are given to establish when a plastic packaging component is considered ‘finished,’ and therefore chargeable to the tax. It also details record keeping and weighing requirements...

Plastic packaging, Recyclable packaging, Reusable packaging, Single-use plastic products, Taxes
| 2022 |
Extended Producer Responsibility Act of 2022 (Republic Act No. 11898).

The Republic Act No. 11898, which amends Republic Act No. 9003, focuses on extended producer responsibility for plastic packaging waste in the Philippines. The Act aims to enhance waste management practices by holding producers accountable for the entire life cycle of their products, promoting waste reduction, recovery, and recycling. It establishes a national framework for extended producer...

Extended Producer Responsibility, Waste management, Recycling, Waste, Plastic packaging, Solid waste, Plastics, Life cycle, Waste minimization, Resource recovery, Labelling, Recyclability, Reuse, Circular economy
| 2022 |
Law 2232 of 2022

With the goal of safeguarding the fundamental rights to life, health, and enjoyment of a clean environment, measures are hereby established to reduce the production and consumption of single use plastics in the national territory, provisions set forth to permit their eventual substitution by sustainable alternatives as well as their reuse, and complementary measures further established.

Alternative plastics and plastic products, Biodegradable plastics, Certification, Circular economy, Eco-design , Economic instruments, Enforcement, Extended Producer Responsibility, Fiscal incentives, Just transition, Labelling, Life-cycle approach, Life-cycle assessment, Lightweight plastic carrier bags, Oxo-degradable plastics, Plastic carrier bags, Plastic packaging, Plastic straws, Product bans, Recycling, Single-use plastic products, Stakeholder engagement, Subsidies, Verification of compliance, Waste management, Waste management hierarchy, Waste pickers, Waste prevention
Legislation | 2022 |
Ley N° 2232 de 2022

Colombia Ley N° 2232 de 2022 Act 2232 of 2022 Published in Diario Oficial 52.089 on 8 julio 2022 Commenced [This is the version of this document from 8 julio 2022.] Por la cual se establecen medidas tendientes a la reducción gradual de la producción y consumo de ciertos productos plásticos de un solo uso y se dictan otras disposiciones. EL CONGRESO DE COLOMBIA DECRETA: Capitulo I. Disposiciones...