Introduction to the International Treaty E-learning material Book Keywords: access and benefit sharingagrobiodiversityfood securityplant genetic resourceplant protection Download: Book - Unit 1 - Introduction to the International Treaty.pdf
Video - Introduction to the International Treaty on PGRFA E-learning material Video Keywords: agrobiodiversityin-situ conservationindigenous knowledgeplant genetic resourceplant protection
Introduction to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture E-learning material PDF Keywords: agrobiodiversitybenefit sharingclimate change adaptationfood securityplant genetic resource Download: a-i2631e_0.pdf
What is Agrodiversity E-learning material PDF Keywords: agrobiodiversity Download: Additional Reading - What is Agrodiversity_.pdf
Conservation and Sustainable Use projects E-learning material Video Keywords: access and benefit sharingagrobiodiversityConservationfood securitygenetic resource for food and agriculture
Conservation and Sustainable Use under the International Treaty E-learning material PDF Keywords: agrobiodiversityex-situ conservationin-situ conservationsustainable use Download: a-i2579e.pdf
Farmers' Rights E-learning material Book Keywords: agrobiodiversitybreeders' rightindigenous knowledge Download: Book - Unit 3 - Farmers´Rights.pdf
Strengthening the implementation of Farmers' Right in Guatemala E-learning material PDF Keywords: agrobiodiversitybreeders' rightfood securityindigenous knowledge Download: Case Study - Strengthening the Implementation of Farmers´Right in Guatemala.pdf
The Panel of Experts of the BSF: role, process and lessons learned E-learning material Video Keywords: agrobiodiversitybenefit sharingbreeders' rightfood securitygenetic resource for food and agriculture