A. is the owner of two land parcels located in a forested area. One of the parcels was fully covered with trees. In 2010, a communal forest ranger noticed that A. has constructed an unauthorized access road through the forest. As a result, an investigation judge condemned A. to a conditional day-fine penalty. In parallel to the criminal procedure, the Directorate-General for Environment of the...
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A. vs the Directorate-General for Environment of the Canton of Vaud
National - higher court
Angel Porfirio González Minga V. Manuel Asunción Morocho, Juan Arsecio Tapia & Anita Cabrera
In this case, the defendant apprehended a group of people suspected of environmental crime committed within an indigenous reserve. The plaintiff was arrested by the police for illegal detention.
The defendant was sentenced to two months jails for illegal detention by the Criminal Court from Zamora Chinchipe’s province.
he defendant appealed the decision of the Criminal Court from Zamora Chinchipe’s...
National - higher court