Current global progress towards eliminating lead paint
Facts and figures
As of 30 September 2019, 73 countries had legally binding controls to limit the production, import and sale of lead paints, which is 38% of all countries.
Countries with Lead Paint Laws
As of June 2020 76 countries have lead paint laws, 85 have none and for 32 countries there is no data available. See the map below for the most up to date information on an individual country’s lead paint laws. You can explore by region (e.g. North America), and click on each country to see its specific laws. Where a country has set a lead limit, the limit is for total lead content. The year...
The Lead Paint Alliance Advisory Council
The Lead Paint Alliance Advisory Council
Overview of the Lead Paint Alliance's Accomplishments
Lead Paint Alliance
UN Environment and WHO published the Lead Paint Alliance operational framework.Read more
SWITCH-Asia Lead Paint Elimination Project
The European Union (EU) funded work led by the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) in seven Asian countries to help phase out lead paint, five of which ended up passing lead paint laws.Read more
GEF UN Environment Lead Paint Elimination Project in Africa
IPEN worked directly with four countries and reached out to additional countries in Africa to promote lead paint phase out. Three countries ended up passing lead paint laws.Read more
WHO Chemicals Management Roadmap
The Roadmap included an action item for WHO Member States to establish lead paint laws.Read more
ABA Resolution on Lead Paint
The ABA encouraged their members to support lead paint laws worldwide.Read more
2017 Global Status Update
UN Environment provided lead paint background information and an update on progress toward establishing laws.Read more
Model Law & Guidance for Regulating Lead Paint
UN Environment provided lead paint background information and a model template for a lead paint law.Read more
UNEA 3 Resolution on Lead Paint
Member States passed a resolution calling for the global elimination of lead paint through the establishment of lead paint laws.Read more
Two-Year Lead Paint Alliance Action Plan
The TwoYear Lead Paint Alliance Action Plan laid out concrete actions for partners to promote lead paint elimination.Read more
The project will assist governments to establish lead paint laws in at least 40 countries and provide guidance to industry to facilitate the shift to producing non-lead paints.Read more
Key findings of the 2019 global update report
Lead Exposure from Paint
Historically, lead compounds have been added to oil-based decorative and industrial paints and other coatings to enhance colour, reduce corrosion on metal surfaces or shorten drying time. Today, non-leaded pigments, driers and anti-corrosive ingredients are widely available for use in most oil-based paints.
After the application of lead paint, weathering, peeling or...