Technical legal assistance provided under the Montevideo Programme V

This open-access activity tracker provides information about technical legal assistance requests approved for implementation and/or currently being implemented under the Montevideo Programme V. With the consent of the concerned parties, each request page describes the request details and provides key updates on the project's implementation and outcomes. The list is non-exhaustive and only includes requests where express consent has been granted. 

You can browse approved assistance requests by status, country, or topic. For more information about how to submit a request, click here.


Date of request
18 March 2024
Development of Zimbabwe's Climate Change Management Bill.
Support Request Status
Approved for implementation
Topics relating to the request
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
Land and Agriculture
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
In March 2024, the Government of Zimbabwe sought support to develop a Climate Change Management Bill. Building on the country's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and planned National Adaptation Plan (NAP), the Bill aims to establish a Climate Change Fund to support climate action , leverage international climate finance, strenghen institutional arrangements for climate action and data collection among others. The Bill will also address control of excessive emissions of greenhouse gases
Date of request
16 January 2024
Élaboration d’une loi nationale sur la biosécurité intégrée au Maroc.
Support Request Status
Approved for implementation
Topics relating to the request
Biological Diversity
Environmental Governance and Rights
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Date of request
25 December 2023
Doter la Guinée des moyens juridiques techniques et matériels pour mettre en œuvre la biosécurité.
Support Request Status
Approved for implementation
Topics relating to the request
Biological Diversity
Environmental Governance and Rights
Land and Agriculture
Trade and Investment
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law.
Enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law.
Date of request
17 October 2023
Develop an air quality law for Argentina
Support Request Status
Approved for implementation
Topics relating to the request
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
The government of Argentina, in October 2023, requested support from the Montevideo Programme V secretariat to develop an air quality law.
Date of request
07 September 2023
Revision of Law n°96/12 of 5th August 1996 relating to Environmental Management, Cameroon
Support Request Status
Under implementation
Topics relating to the request
Biological Diversity
Chemicals and Waste
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
Land and Agriculture
Marine and Freshwater
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Date of request
16 August 2023
Assist Improve Livelihoods
Support Request Status
Topics relating to the request
Biological Diversity
Environmental Governance and Rights
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law.
Enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law.
In August 2023, the secretariat of the Montevideo Programme V received a technical legal assistance request from a representative of a community based organization in Kenya for assistance to construct a house for rental purposes. Since the nature of the request fell outside the scope and the objectives of the Programme, the request did not proceed. The stakeholder was advised accordingly.
Date of request
27 July 2023
Review of the Environmental Management Act, Chapter 35:05 of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
Support Request Status
Topics relating to the request
Environmental Governance and Rights
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law.
Enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law.
In January 2023, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago submitted a technical legal assistance request under the Montevideo Programme for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law, for the review of the Environmental Management Act, Chapter 35:05 (“EM Act”) of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Specifically, the request was to assess and identify areas for amendment, in an effort to better align the EM Act with issues of global environmental concern.
Date of request
21 June 2023
Strengthening the legislative framework on environmental permitting and licensing systems, Nigeria
Support Request Status
Under implementation
Topics relating to the request
Biological Diversity
Chemicals and Waste
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
Land and Agriculture
Marine and Freshwater
Trade and Investment
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law.
In June 2023, the Federal Government of Nigeria submitted a technical legal assistance request for the review of Nigeria’s National Environmental (Permitting and Licensing System) Regulations 2009. Specifically, the request’s main objective is to review the Regulations to strengthen its provisions by considering trending and emerging issues, as well as gaps identified in its implementation processes.
Date of request
30 November 2022
Development of legislative framework to address plastic pollution in Nigeria
Support Request Status
Under implementation
Topics relating to the request
Chemicals and Waste
Environmental Governance and Rights
Marine and Freshwater
Trade and Investment
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
In December 2022, the government of Nigeria submitted a technical legal assistance request for the development of a legislative framework to address plastic waste pollution in Nigeria. Specifically, the request outlined two areas of support: first, development of a Plastic Waste Regulation based on the National Policy on Plastic Waste of 2020, and; second, establishment of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Operational Guidelines on plastic waste control. For this, UNEP would collaborate
United States of America
Date of request
31 March 2022
Corruption free world related water,sanitation & all civic amenities
Support Request Status
Topics relating to the request
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
Marine and Freshwater
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law.
Enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law.
In March 2022, the secretariat of the Montevideo Programme V received a technical legal assistance request from a stakeholder entitled “corruption free world related water, sanitation & all civic amenities not for chieldish media”. The request did not proceed as it was not in line with the objectives of Montevideo Environmental Law Programme. Due to lack of details regarding the nature and scope of the technical legal assistance, including the expected outputs and proposed timeline for the
Date of request
13 September 2021
Make a positive impact by applying the Cradle to Cradle philosophy and its circular business model.
Support Request Status
Topics relating to the request
Chemicals and Waste
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
Land and Agriculture
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law.
Enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law.
In September 2021, the se cretariat of the Montevideo Programme V received two technical legal assistance requests from a stakeholder from the private sector in Mauritius for assistance to make a positive impact by applying the cradle-to-cradle philosophy circular business model, and assistance to prepare carbon emissions reports for different stages of the supply chain associated with a cement plant. Further information was requested by the secretariat to clarify the nature and scope of the
Date of request
13 September 2021
Carbonize the construction sector by enhance carbon free, energy efficient and resilient
Support Request Status
Topics relating to the request
Chemicals and Waste
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
Land and Agriculture
Trade and Investment
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law.
Enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law.
In October 2021 , the secretariat of the Montevideo Programme V received a technical legal assistance request from a stakeholder from the USA for assistance to keep up with all environmental issues and changes. The request did not proceed due to insufficient information provided to the secretariat regarding the nature and scope of the request, including the expected outcomes and proposed timeline for implementation.
Solomon Islands
Date of request
05 August 2020
Regulations under the Wildlife Protection and Management Act, 2017, Solomon Islands
Support Request Status
Topics relating to the request
Biological Diversity
Trade and Investment
Category of the request
Development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues.
Through a Small-Scale Funding Agreement dated 11 January 2018, UNEP supported the Government of Solomon Islands in developing regulations under the Wildlife Protection and Management Act, 2017. The objective of the regulations is to provide an enabling framework for implementation of the country’s obligations under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). With UNEP’s support, and under the guidance of the country’s Ministry of Environment