Regulations under the Wildlife Protection and Management Act, 2017, Solomon Islands
Wildlife protection and management
Through a Small-Scale Funding Agreement dated 11 January 2018, UNEP supported the Government of Solomon Islands in developing regulations under the Wildlife Protection and Management Act, 2017. The objective of the regulations is to provide an enabling framework for implementation of the country’s obligations under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). With UNEP’s support, and under the guidance of the country’s Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM), the Wildlife Protection and Management (Amendment) Regulations 2019 were developed and officially gazetted on 5 June 2020.
The regulations aided the government of Solomon Islands to comply with CITES requirements on national legislation. Specifically, the regulations enhanced the powers and functions of the country’s CITES scientific and management authorities, and set out relevant permits, fees and prescribed forms for trade of species and related products covered under CITES.
UNEP supported development of the regulations by providing USD 15,000 to the government of Solomon Islands for recruitment of a national legal consultant and for stakeholder consultations. UNEP also provided legal guidance by reviewing the draft regulations.
- CITES Secretariat: Ms. Sofie H. Flensborg - Legal Advisor, Legal and Compliance Unit
- UNEP: Mr. Andrew Raine - Head of International Environmental Law Unit
- Solomon Islands: Mr. Joe Horokou - Director, Environment and Conservation Division, MECDM;; Mr. Josef Hurutarau - Deputy Director, Environment and Conservation Division, MECDM