What is the Law and Environment Assistance Platform (UNEP-LEAP)?
UNEP's Law and Environment Assistance Platform (UNEP-LEAP) is the digital backbone of the Fifth Montevideo Programme for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law (Montevideo Programme V or Programme). You can read more about the Programme here.
UNEP-LEAP was launched on 02 June 2021 during the online segment of the First Global Meeting of National Focal Points. It supports the delivery of the Programme's objectives and strategic activities by providing a platform to exchange information and knowledge on environmental rule of law. This platform allows countries to directly request support from UNEP. It also provides a comprehensive and searchable knowledge base of relevant environmental legislation and other guidance products.The platform has three main sections:
- Technical assistance, where countries can submit technical legal assistance requests directly to UNEP through the Clearing House Mechanism. Countries can use the online form to submit requests for support.
- A knowledge base that provides access to national environmental legislation, toolkits, guidance products and model laws, publications and reports, e-learning courses, partners' tools and resources, and other products developed under the Programme or relevant to its activities. The Platform has over eighteen thousand resources, including UNEP flagship publications.
- Country profiles: The country profiles section aggregates the information in the knowledge base per country.
UNEP-LEAP also provides supporting information on the Montevideo Programme V, including meeting documents and contact details for all National Focal Points, the Steering Committee for Implementation, and partners to the Programme.