Data source
Date of text
20 May 2009
Seat of court
Andorra la Vella
Original language


Type of text
National - lower court
Reference number
Núm. 50-2009
Court name
Tribunal Superior de Justícia
Saura Lluvià L.
Andrés Pereira A.

The plaintiff argued that the general administration did not take the necessary control and sanitation measures concerning the Valira river, resulting in abnormal high levels of solids and other substances in it, causing damages to the facilities of the societies.  

According to the experts, there have been breakdowns increasing deposited solids and changing the composition between mud, sands, gravel, which does not correspond to the natural dynamics of sediments: the human action origin has therefore been unequivocally proven.

However, considering the technical elements set out, the causes of the damages suffered by the plaintiffs are multiples and cannot be attributed solely to the work carried out in Andorra during the litigation period. Indeed, the plaintiffs provided no proof of the link or an element showing the existence of a possible lack of service attributable to the public administration. The Court consequently rejected the demand of the plaintiffs.