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Agreement of cooperation in combating the circulation of counterfeit drugs.

Type of law

Governments of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, attaching special importance to the provision of the population with effective, safe and quality medicines in the required volume and range, aware that the circulation of falsified medicines poses a serious threat to the health and welfare of the population of the member states of the Parties, taking into account the need to take urgent measures to prevent, detect and suppress the circulation, including export and import, of counterfeit (falsified) drugs, recognizing the expediency of improvement of regulatory legal acts regulating circulation of drugs in the Parties' states, based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization on combating circulation of falsified medicines, guided by the generally accepted norms of international law, international treaties, legislation of the Parties' states, agreed on the following: (a) conducting coordinated measures to combat the circulation of counterfeit drugs, including controlled deliveries; (b) harmonization of regulatory legal acts regulating the circulation of medicines in accordance with international standards, including the recommendations of the World Health Organization; (c) exchange of information on methods used to conceal and disguise falsified drugs during transportation and trade, as well as on methods of their detection; (d) informational interaction, exchange of legislative and other normative legal acts of the Parties' states; (e) development of methodical recommendations on quality control of drugs and detection of falsified medicines; (f) development of methodical programs for training and retraining of personnel for work in the field of quality control of drugs and combating the circulation of falsified medicines; (g) mutual scientific, technical and advisory assistance in the field of combating counterfeit medicines; (h) promoting the introduction of modern protection technologies, including protective labelling of medicines and methods of their use, aimed at suppressing the circulation of falsified drugs; and (i) holding scientific and practical conferences, seminars and symposia on topical issues of combating the circulation of counterfeit medicines.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Agreement enters into force on the date of signature.
This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Each of the Parties may withdraw from this Agreement by giving a written notice of its intention to the Depositary not later than 6 months prior to the intended withdrawal date, and by settling obligations arising during the validity of this Agreement.
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title