Joint Executive Decree No. 8/24 approving the Statute of the Polytechnic Institute of Geographical Sciences (IPCG).
Type of law
This Joint Executive Decree approves the Statute of the Polytechnic Institute of Geographical Sciences (IPCG). This Statute, consisting of 32 articles divided into five Chapters and two Annexes, establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the IPCG, entitled to perform the following activities: a) train medium-level technicians in the fields of topography, geographic information systems, real estate brokerage and acquisition, environmental management, land use planning and others; b) organize and provide professional technical training in the fields of topography, cadastre, cartography, land use planning and others; c) organize conferences, seminars and other initiatives; d) promote and support research in the field of topography, cadastre, geographic information and others; e) provide training courses in the fields of topography, cartography, cadastre, land use planning and geographic information systems; f) carry out any other tasks directed by the overseeing ministries and which serve to promote their objectives.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Joint Executive Decree enters into force on the day of its publication.
Serial Imprint
Di rio da Rep blica, I Serie, No. 133, 15 July 2024.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto Executivo Conjunto n. 8/24 - Aprova o Estatuto Org nico do Instituto Polit cnico de Ci ncias Geogr ficas (IPCG).