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Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism enacting the Cattle Identification Ordinance 2021 and amending the Direct Payments Ordinance 2015 and the Horizontal Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Ordinance 2015.

Type of law

This Ordinance concerns the system of identification and registration of bovine animals, implementing the following European legislation: Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health ("Animal Health Law ); Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 regarding rules for establishments keeping terrestrial animals and hatcheries, and the traceability of certain kept terrestrial animals and hatching eggs; Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products. The Austrian market regulation body "Agrarmarkt Austria" (AMA) is responsible for the enforcement of this ordinance and the related legal acts. The Ordinance specifies the following terms: cattle keeping person; uplift to alpine pastures and grazing places, as temporary movement of cattle in a defined period.
Matters covered by this Ordinance concern: means for identifying kept cattle, including: marking, conventional and electronic ear tags, procedure in case of imported cattle, procedure for bovine animals whose ear characteristics do not allow ear tags; keeping of records by cattle farmers and information included therein; electronic database and the related information, including veterinary-relevant data in the context of animal disease control or human health protection; reports by the cattle farmers and times to carry them out; special provisions for pasture and grazing places notifications, including: information to be included in the notification, procedure to follow in case of calving, death or loss of cattle; identification document for cattle farmer to be used for purposes of internal trade; obligations to cooperate with the authority; offences, related prohibition of cattle movement, blocking procedures and legal remedies; allocation of costs; data transmission. This Ordinance amends the Direct Payments Ordinance 2015 and the Horizontal Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Ordinance 2015 and repeals the Cattle Earmarking Ordinance 2008.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
April 21, 2021.
Serial Imprint
Bundesgesetzblatt f r die Republik sterreich, Teil II, 20 April 2021.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Verordnung der Bundesministerin f r Landwirtschaft, Regionen und Tourismus, mit der die Rinderkennzeichnungs-Verordnung 2021 erlassen und die DirektzahlungsVerordnung 2015 und die Horizontale GAP-Verordnung ge ndert werden.