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DECISION No. 216 OF THE CABINET OF MINISTERS OF THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN On confirmation of the Statute On use of waterbodies for recreational and sport purposes .

Type of law

This Decision establishes that waterbodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, fitting leisure and sport contain the followings: (a) subsurface horizon, fresh, mineral and thermal water sources artificially drawn from water basins and water deposits; (b) natural fresh, mineral and thermal water sources (springs); (c) surface water flows and water areas; (d) glaciers and snow mantles; and (e) Caspian Sea section of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Resorts (rest houses, campings, tourist institutions, children s health camps and etc.) are allowed in areas of fresh, mineral and thermal water sources drawn naturally and artificially, as well as in grounds under water flows, water areas and coastal strips of the Caspian Sea for the purpose of meeting the recreational needs of the population of the Republic of Azerbaijan. These areas are divided into the following zones: (a) recreational zone in which natural recreational resources, equipments built for use of them, rest, tourism and cultural institutions, and amusement, public catering, trade and public service institutions are located; (b) zone in which dwelling houses of local people and those of the institutions mentioned above, and public buildings are located; and (c) zone in which centralized economic and technical services are located. Opening of gushing bore-holes, water taps shall be equipped with regulatory and other installations, and manometers. Prevention of exhaustion of subsoil waters, interception of contamination of them with industrial and domestic wastes shall be provided by users, fixed regime of exploitation of them shall be observed for this purpose, and water conservation zone shall be established around headwaters (bore-hole, spring). Bore-holes unsuitable for exploitation and unexploited bore-holes shall be buffered (filled with cement or alabaster), and isolation of subsoil water horizons shall be restored.
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Legislation Amendment