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Bangladesh Environmental management Framework (EMF) for River Management Improvement Program (RMIP).

Type of law

The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) through the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) is planning to initiate the River Management Improvement Program (RMIP)1 primarily to rehabilitate and improve the existing right bank embankment of the Brahmaputra River, and also to undertake river bank protection and construction of a road over the embankment. The program will be implemented in phases and in the first phase, works will be carried out for the 50 km priority reach of the embankment; the remaining works will be implemented under subsequent phase(s). The timeframe of the three phases are: 2015 to 2020 (phase I); 2017 to 2022 (phase II); and 2018 to 2023 (phase III). The overall objectives of the RMIP are to reconstruct the BRE and secure it against erosion. Arresting erosion is the primary interest of the local population living alongside the riverbank. Secondary objectives are to: (i) develop the local area to catch up with the rest of the country and reduce poverty; and (ii) strengthen BWDB s capacity as a competent agency for mitigation of flooding and bank erosion within an overall strategy for Integrated Flood Risk Management.
Among the proposed interventions, the program identifies an impact on food self-sufficiency. The key elements are: (i) flood risk reduction through the construction of embankments to control water levels during the monsoon season; and (ii) upgrading of irrigation infrastructure to enable a major second crop during the dry season.
Under the performance indicators, the document settles a five years timeframe after end of the program in order to reach the development goal a world free of poverty . Moreover, this Policy recognizes the need to reduce deforestation and promote sustainable forest conservation and management in reducing poverty.
The main focus of the BRE rehabilitation work under RMIP is on its length alongside the Brahmaputra/ Jamuna River from Bangabandhu (Jamuna) Bridge to the Teesta River. The program s physical works will include: river bank protection on portions of the western(right) bank; embankment upgrading, reconstruction and realignment, including adding drainage/control; structures (regulators); and a new road on the embankment. The program may also include the option of a toll road (highway) associated with the flood embankment. The program will also provide livelihood and resettlement support to the displaced people. Based on the field reconnaissance and the preliminary morphological assessment, the program works has been divided into three phases: embankment and riverbank protection from Sailabari to Hasnapara; embankment and riverbank protection from Hasnapara to Belka and from Jamuna Bridge to Sailabari; and road on embankment.
Finally, it's worth mentioning that field surveys, consultations with different stake holders, focus group discussions (FGDs) were carry out to develop a comprehensive Environmental Management Framework (EMF) of RMIP. Both male and female stakeholders were consulted through these meetings. Additionally, teachers, businessmen, village leaders, and local government members, farmers, and fishermen were consulted individually. Female heads of the households were also interviewed. As for Indigenous Peoples, the document states that the OP defines the process to be followed if the project affects the indigenous people. The social impact assessment of the RMIP indicates that there are no indigenous communities residing in the program area and therefore, no impacts on them are expected under the program.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Publication reference
Government of the People s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Water Resources
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment