Decree No. 11.786 creating the National Quilombola Territorial and the Environmental Management Policy and its Management Committee.
Type of law
This Decree creates the National Quilombola Territorial and the Environmental Management Policy and its Management Committee (PNGTAQ) under Decree No. 4.887 of 20 November 2003. The general objectives of PNGTAQ are: support and promote territorial and environmental management practices developed by quilombola communities; promote the conservation and sustainable use of socio-biodiversity; protect the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of quilombola communities; strengthen the territorial and environmental rights of quilombola communities; promote the implementation of public policies in an integrated manner; It is promote socio-environmental development, improved quality of life, good living, peace and climate justice, with the necessary conditions for the physical and cultural reproduction of current and future generations of quilombola communities.
In particular, PNGTAQ guidelines are: recognition of ancestral values, history, religiosity, belongings, uses, customs and traditions, which shape the quilombola identity, ways of life and the relationships of communities with their territories, in urban and rural areas; respect for the rights of quilombola communities, especially territorial and environmental rights; protection and valorization of quilombola knowledge and practices related to territorial and environmental management, through the strengthening of quilombola school education and their own educational processes, integrating knowledge based on horizontal dialogue of knowledge; access, sustainable use, protection, recovery and conservation of spaces and natural resources necessary for the physical, social, economic and cultural reproduction of quilombola communities, etc. PNGTAQ is structured around five axes: Axis 1 - territorial integrity, uses, management and environmental conservation; Axis 2 - sustainable production and income generation, food sovereignty and nutritional security; Axis 3 - ancestry, identity and cultural heritage; Axis 4 - education and training focused on territorial and environmental management; and Axis 5 - social organization for territorial and environmental management.
In particular, PNGTAQ guidelines are: recognition of ancestral values, history, religiosity, belongings, uses, customs and traditions, which shape the quilombola identity, ways of life and the relationships of communities with their territories, in urban and rural areas; respect for the rights of quilombola communities, especially territorial and environmental rights; protection and valorization of quilombola knowledge and practices related to territorial and environmental management, through the strengthening of quilombola school education and their own educational processes, integrating knowledge based on horizontal dialogue of knowledge; access, sustainable use, protection, recovery and conservation of spaces and natural resources necessary for the physical, social, economic and cultural reproduction of quilombola communities, etc. PNGTAQ is structured around five axes: Axis 1 - territorial integrity, uses, management and environmental conservation; Axis 2 - sustainable production and income generation, food sovereignty and nutritional security; Axis 3 - ancestry, identity and cultural heritage; Axis 4 - education and training focused on territorial and environmental management; and Axis 5 - social organization for territorial and environmental management.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Decree enters into force on the day of its publication.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto N 11.786 - Institui a Pol tica Nacional de Gest o Territorial e Ambiental Quilombola e o seu Comit Gestor.