Law No. 11.669 creating the State Policy on Solid Waste.
Type of law
This Law establishes the State Solid Waste Policy, which establishes its principles, objectives and instruments, as well as the guidelines relating to the integrated management and disposal of solid waste, including dangerous waste. The Public Power and the community are responsible for the effectiveness of actions involving solid waste. The principles of the Policy are: prevention and precaution; polluter-payer and the protector-receiver; systemic vision, in solid waste management, that considers environmental, social, cultural, economic, technological and public health variables; sustainable development; reduction of environmental impact and consumption of natural resources; cooperation between public power, business sector and other segments of society; recognition of recyclable solid waste as an economic good with social value, generating work and income and promoting citizenship; respect for local and regional diversities; society's right to information and social control; training actions for associative work in a self-managed manner.
The objectives of the Policy are: protect public health and environmental quality; reducing, reusing, recycling and treating solid waste, and carrying out environmentally appropriate final waste disposal; encourage the adoption of sustainable patterns of production and consumption of goods and services; value human dignity and eradicate child and youth labour in areas of inadequate solid waste disposal; improve clean technologies as a way to minimize environmental impacts, etc. The Law applies to natural and/or legal entities, public or private, responsible, directly or indirectly, for the generation of solid waste and those that develop actions related to integrated management or solid waste management.
The objectives of the Policy are: protect public health and environmental quality; reducing, reusing, recycling and treating solid waste, and carrying out environmentally appropriate final waste disposal; encourage the adoption of sustainable patterns of production and consumption of goods and services; value human dignity and eradicate child and youth labour in areas of inadequate solid waste disposal; improve clean technologies as a way to minimize environmental impacts, etc. The Law applies to natural and/or legal entities, public or private, responsible, directly or indirectly, for the generation of solid waste and those that develop actions related to integrated management or solid waste management.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law enters into force 120 days after its publication.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Lei n. 11.669 - Disp e sobre a Pol tica Estadual de Res duos S lidos e d outras provid ncias.