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Antiquities, Monuments and Museum Act (Cap. 51).

Type of law

This Act provides, among other things for the declaration of monuments and the discovery and excavation of antiquities and related matters. the Minister may by notice published in the Gazette, declare any place, building, site or structure, which the Minister considers to be of public interest by reason of its historical, anthropological, archaeological or palaeontological significance to be a monument. If a proposed monument is within private land, then, prior to the making of the declaration, the Minister shall serve on the owner and any lawful occupier of the private land a notice of intended declaration and the owner or a lawful occupier may object to the proposed monument by application to the Supreme Court. The Minister may make Regulations relative to entry upon private land. The Act prohibits excavation, building, planting or felling of trees or depositing of earth or refuse on, in or near a monument.
Long title of text
An Act to provide for the preservation, conservation, restoration, documentation, study and presentation of sites and objects of historical, anthropological, archaeological and palaeontological interest, to establish a National Museum, and for matters ancillary thereto or connected therewith.
Date of text
Reprinted version of Act No. 5 of 1998 as at 31 December 2009.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment