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An Act Mainly To Ensure Effective Governance Of The Fight Against Climate Change And To Promote Electrification (SQ 2020, c 19).

Type of law

The Act Is organised in 3 Chapters and contains amendments to Acts and Regulations aimed at improving effectiveness of climate change governance and to promote electrification.
Chapter 1, Governance Of The Fight Against Climate Change, amends the Act Respecting the Minist re du D veloppement durable, de l Environnement et des Parcs in several sections. The Act establishes that the Minister is the Government s adviser on issues concerning the fight against climate change. The fight against climate change includes all measures to reduce, limit or prevent greenhouse gas emissions, in particular by electrification, to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, to mitigate the environmental, economic and social consequences of such measures and to promote adaptation to the impacts of global warming and climate change, as well as Qu bec s participation in regional or international partnerships in these areas and the development of such partnerships. The Act indicates that the management of a program can be delegated by the Minister to a municipality, another legal person, an Aboriginal community or any other body. The Acts also establishes an Advisory Committee On Climate Change , and amends the rules governing the Green Fund, which it renames the Electrification and Climate Change Fund. The Act, replacing sections 15.4.1 to recognises that the Government may, determine a minimum share of the proceeds of the sale of the emission allowances or of the sums credited to the Fund to be reserved for the financing of shared transportation, sustainable mobility and public transit measures and programmes.
Chapter 1, Division II, amends the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2); it replaces the first paragraph and includes considerations on climate urgency, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. The Act also entrusts the Minister with responsibility for preparing a climate change framework policy and proposing it to the Government. Moreover, under the new provisions the Government may by regulation prescribe that part of the emission units allocated to an emitter without charge is intended for sale at auction. The sums collected at an auction shall be paid to the emitter by the Minister and the emitter may use those sums only to carry out projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions or at research and development in the area. The Minister may, by regulation determine the projects that are eligible for offset credits, applicable conditions, and required documents.
Chapter 2, Governance of the Energy Transiction, entrusts The Minist re Des Ressources Naturelles Et De La Faune with responsibility for ensuring integrated governance regarding energy transition, innovation and efficiency and responsibility to prepare efficiency master plan. The Transition nerg tique Qu bec is abolished. The Energy Transition Fund is renamed the Energy Transition, Innovation and Efficiency Fund .
Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment