Protection policy for lakeshores, riverbanks, littoral zones and floodplains (RRQ, c Q-2, r 35).
Type of law
Date of original text
The present Regulation lays down provisions relating to the protection policy for lakeshores, riverbanks, littoral zones and floodplains. Its particular purpose is to: 1) ensure the sustainability of bodies of water and watercourses, and to maintain and improve their quality by ensuring adequate, minimum protection of lakeshores, riverbanks, littoral zones and floodplains ; 2) prevent the degradation and erosion of lakeshores, riverbanks, littoral zones and floodplains by encouraging their preservation in their natural state; 3) preserve and maintain the quality and biodiversity of the environment by limiting activities which may give greater accessibility to and permit the development of lakeshores, riverbanks, littoral zones and floodplains. In the case of floodplains: 1) to ensure the safety of persons and the protection of property; 2) to protect plants and wildlife characteristic of floodplains by taking into account the biological characteristics of that environment, and 3) to ensure the natural streamflow is not impeded; 4) to promote the rehabilitation of degraded riparian zones using the most natural techniques possible. The text consists of 7 Parts as follows: Objectives (1); Definitions and scope (2); Lakeshores, riverbanks and littoral zones (3); Floodplains (4); Special protection measures under a management plan (5); Implementation (6); Information and education (7). Two Schedules are enclosed.
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
The present Regulation is updated to 1 October 2014.The present Regulation replaces 1996 GOQ 2, 1263 et 1483.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment