Administrative regulations of Jilin province for small food production and processing workshops and food vendors.
Type of law
The purpose of these Regulations is to standardize production and business activities of small food production and processing workshops and food vendors, strengthen the management of food safety, and ensure the health and life safety of the general public.
In order to engage in production and business activities, a small food workshop shall apply and obtain a food production permit and a business license. Food vendors shall be registered by the local people's governments. The Regulations impose restrictions to handling and processing food, store or package; provide for preventing and avoiding food adulteration, hygiene and safety requirements both for food products and manpower involved in food processing and vending, and requirements for food traceability and recording; set up supervision measures. The Regulations further provide for offences and penalties.
In order to engage in production and business activities, a small food workshop shall apply and obtain a food production permit and a business license. Food vendors shall be registered by the local people's governments. The Regulations impose restrictions to handling and processing food, store or package; provide for preventing and avoiding food adulteration, hygiene and safety requirements both for food products and manpower involved in food processing and vending, and requirements for food traceability and recording; set up supervision measures. The Regulations further provide for offences and penalties.
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Source language
Legislation Amendment
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