Decree-Law No. 68/2021 establishing structure, organization and operating rules of the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion (MCT).
Type of law
This Decree-Law, consisting of 23 articles divided into three Chapters and one Annex, establishes the structure, organization and operating rules of the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion (MCT). It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned governmental department, whose mission is to pursue attributions in the domains of decentralization and relations with local authorities, coordination and monitoring of the implementation of inter-ministerial policies and measures relating to regional development, as well as the creation of socio-economic opportunities, etc. In particular, the MCT is responsible for: design, execute and evaluate national public policies on matters relating to decentralization and regional development; exercise legal protection over local authorities and ensure the relationship between the Government, local authorities and their associations; implement policies aimed at achieving the strategic objectives and priorities defined by the Government; ensure the coordination and implementation of policy measures aimed at providing technical, institutional, and other support to local authorities; promote the adoption of measures to reform the legislative framework of the sectors under its responsibility; strengthen institutional cooperation between the Government and local authorities; monitor programmes and projects that promote local and regional development; monitor and evaluate the National Urban Development Policy, etc.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Decree-Law enters into force on the day after its publication.
Serial Imprint
Boletim Oficial, S rie I, No. 95.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto-Lei n. 68/2021 - Estabelece a estrutura, a organiza o e as normas de funcionamento do Minist rio da Coes o Territorial (MCT).
Amended by