Order No. 44/2023 approving the organization and functioning regulations of the National Seeds and Seedlings Committee (CNSM).
Type of law
This Order approves the organization and functioning regulations of the National Seeds and Seedlings Committee (CNSM), created by Decree-Law No. 5/2016, of 16 January and amended by Decree-Law No. 4/2023 of 12 January. The Committee is an advisory body for articulation in matters of public policy on seeds and seedlings. In carrying out its functions, the CNSM is responsible for pronouncing on any and all matters relating to seeds and seedlings, namely: a) General guidelines for the development of the area of seeds and seedlings; b) Investment programmes and projects in the area, as well as their respective prioritization; c) Measures aimed at integrating the various activities that make up the seed and seedling chain; d) Relationship and articulation mechanisms between various central and local bodies with a view to ensuring harmonization that respects regional and local peculiarities; e) Seedling seed supply plans; f) Solutions to disputes arising from the interpretation and application of legislation on seeds and seedlings, whenever requested; g) Periodic publications of the National Variety List; h) Everything else assigned to it under the terms of this regulation and by the member of the Government responsible for the area of agriculture.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Order enters into force on the day after its publication.
Serial Imprint
Boletim da Rep blica, I S rie, No. 106.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Portaria n. 44/2023: Aprova o regulamento de organiza o e funcionamento do Comit Nacional de Sementes e Mudas (CNSM), criado pelo Decreto-lei n. 5/2016, de 16 de janeiro e alterado pelo Decreto-lei n. 04 /2023 de 12 de janeiro.