Decree amending Decree on sampling requirements, procedures and methods for testing seeds and seedlings.
Type of law
This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture lays down some amendments and addenda to the Decree on sampling requirements, procedures and methods for testing seeds and seedlings. In particular the present Decree establishes the new technological procedures and methods for testing seeds and seedlings and procedure for determining the heterogeneity of the seed lot which is specified in Annex 1.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Decree enters into force on 15 April 2021.
Serial Imprint
Collection of Laws No. 156/2021
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Vyhl ka, kterou se m n vyhl ka o po adavc ch na odb r vzork , postupy a metody zkou en osiva a sadby.