Compensation Ordinance Forest.
Type of law
The present Ordinance enforces the Lower Saxony Law implementing the Federal Nature Protection Act of 18 January 2013. In particular, the Ordinance establishes that for significant impediments or restrictions of sound land use on grassland plots in natures reserves, national parks and other protected areas, a compensation shall be offered. The aim of the measure is also to support the development of a coherent system of protected areas within the Natura 2000 programme to conserve the biological diversity in Lower Saxony. The text consists of 6 articles and 1 Annex.
Attached files
Web site
Long title of text
Ordinance on compensation for forests in protected areas of nature and landscape in Natura 2000 regions.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The present Ordinance enters into force on 1 January 2014.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Verordnung ber den Erschwernisausgleich f r Wald in gesch tzten Teilen von Natur und Landschaft in Natura 2000-Gebieten (Erschwernisausgleichsverordnung-Wald - EA-VO-Wald).