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Regulation on the adaptation of national legislation to Union rules on flavourings and foodstuffs containing flavourings.

Type of law

This Regulation provides order on enforcement of some of the EU Regulations regarding the use of flavours and smoked flavour in food including prohibition of the use of flavour for infants food. The Regulation defines packaged and prepackaged foods and provides obligation on giving information to consumers about the used flavours. According to this Regulation, smoke flavour can be produced through freshly developed procedure such as using wood, heating, pinewood and spices. According to the Regulation verifying contained percentage of the flavour in the labelling of the packages is required. Use of the word "natural" is only allowed in accordance to the limitations determined by EU Regulation (EC) No. 1334/2008. The Regulations also refers to penalties in case of infringements. The Regulation contains 3 Articles and consists of 8 subsections referring to: 1. Scope of application; 2. Definitions; 3. Foods intended for infants; 4. Use of freshly developed smoke; 5. Labelling; 6. Criminal offences; 7. Administrative offence and 8. Transitional provisions. Article 2 of the Act provides amendments on the Cheese Ordinance 1989 with its last amendment on 2 June 2021 (BGBI. I p.1362).
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation comes into force on 26 October 2021.
Serial Imprint
Bundesgesetzblatt year 2021, Part I, No.75 , issued in Bonn 26 October 2021 pp.4723-4726.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Verordnung zur Anpassung nationaler Rechtsvorschriften an unionsrechtliche Vorschriften ber Aromen und Aromen enthaltende Lebensmittel.