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Marine Protection Act (No. 1073 of 2008).

Type of law
Date of original text

The Act has the purpose of protecting the environment for human living conditions and the preservation of animal and plant life. It applies to ships, aircraft and platforms and establishes rules for the protection of the marine environment. It applies to oil dumping or of any other liquid form, including any mineral oil and mixtures thereof, including crude oil, natural gasoline, oil sludge and waste oil and fuel oil and other refined products other than petrochemicals. Any liquid form of substances (exception for water) may not be dumped at sea. Each oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage (GRT) and above, ships of 400 GT and above and platforms using and/or transporting oil must keep a record book for inspection purposes. Every oil tanker of min. 150 GRT as well as ships of min. 400 GRT shall have an approved contingency plan for oil spills that occur on the ship. In Danish territorial waters and the Baltic Sea area, discharge of sewage (drainage or other wastes from toilets, medical and spaces containing living animals) may only take place if discharge is made using an approved facility for treatment of sewage and waste water, if sewage is disinfected in an approved facility and the discharge takes place at a distance of at least 4 nautical miles from the nearest land, or if the discharge is made at a distance of at least 12 nautical miles from nearest land. Discharge from a tank for collection and storage of sewage shall travel at least 4 knots. Discharge of waste other than fresh fish and parts thereof may not take place. The Minister of Environment may decide on the implementation of international agreements regarding transport of substances and materials in packaged form, containers etc., including rules on duty to provide information on cargo contents. Environment damage preventions are set in the Act and refer to cases such as; dumping of dredged material, disposal or recovery of waste, cross-border transport of waste requiring authorization or prohibited, transport by inland waterway, sea or air of dangerous or polluting goods, handling of hazardous substances and products, plant protection and biocidal products.
The Act consists of 17 Chapters: Purpose (1); Oil (2); Liquid substances transported in bulk (3); Substances and materials in packaged form, containers, etc. (4); Solids which are transported in bulk (5); Sewage (6); Waste (7); Receiving installations (8); Dumping at sea (9); Other pollution (10); Contingency (11); Reporting (12); Interventions (13); Monitoring (14); Environment damage (14a); Administrative provisions and appeals (15); Other provisions (16); Penalty, entry into force and transitional provisions (17).
Appendix 1 - Aspects to be assessed for processing an application for a permit for dredging.
Appendix 2 - substances and materials which may only be present in sludges in significant quantities and concentrations.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Consolidated version of Act No. 47 of 7 January 2008.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bekendtg relse af lov om beskyttelse af havmilj et.