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Order No. 1234 on burial sites for pets and horses and their burial on private property.

Type of law

This Order, adopted by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, lays down rules concerning 1) Requirements for registration and operation of burial sites for pets and horses, and 2) Private burying of pets and horses on private property. Production animals kept as pets, except for horses, are not covered by this regulation. Owners of deceased horses shall initiate their burial on private property, provided that the conditions stipulated in Article 4 are met. Anyone operating burial sites shall be registered with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 January 2020.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
BEK nr 1234 af 26/11/2019: Bekendtg relse om gravpladser for selskabsdyr og heste og nedgravning heraf p privat grund.