Order No. 31 amending Order on the issuance of permits for construction products in contact with drinking water.
Type of law
This Order applies to the quality of drinking water in accordance to EU Directives on water quality and monitoring of water supply systems. The Order amends the following: Articles 3, section 2 (repealed). Art. 7, sections 2 and 5 (amending appendix 3 to appendix 2). Art. 9, section 2 (reading: "and in accordance with the requirements for measurements in drinking water regulation on quality of environmental measurements"). Art. 9, sections 1 and 4, art. 10, sect. 1 and art. 13, section 4 (amending "appendix 2" to "appendix 1"). Appendix 1 (repealed). Appendix 2 (becoming Appendix 1 as included in this Order).
Appendix 1 - List of requirements for obtaining and maintaining authorization under this Order.
Appendix 1 - List of requirements for obtaining and maintaining authorization under this Order.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
8 November 2013.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bekendtg relse om ndring af bekendtg relse om udstedelse af godkendelser for byggevarer i kontakt med drikkevand.