Regulation No. 817 on the killing, including slaughter, of animals.
Type of law
The present Regulation, issued by the the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, applies to: 1. the killing, including slaughtering, of animals bred or kept for the production of food, wool, fur, pelts, and other products; and 2. the killing, including slaughtering, of ostriches. The Regulation further includes provisions regarding the training of individuals engaged in the killing of animals at slaughterhouses and related activities. Animals must be spared from any avoidable pain, mental distress, or suffering during killing and related activities. Any person intending to kill an animal must ensure that this is done as quickly and painlessly as possible. Killing of vertebrate animals by drowning is prohibited.
The Regulation contains 34 articles organized in the following chapters: 1. Scope of application and definitions; 2. General provisions; 3. Killing, including slaughtering, of ostriches outside of slaughterhouses; 4. Prohibition of killing and slaughtering pregnant farm animals during the last tenth of the gestation period; 5. Slaughter according to religious rituals; 6. Training of individuals engaged in animal euthanasia and related activities at slaughterhouses; 7. Penalties; 8. Entry into force.
The Regulation contains 34 articles organized in the following chapters: 1. Scope of application and definitions; 2. General provisions; 3. Killing, including slaughtering, of ostriches outside of slaughterhouses; 4. Prohibition of killing and slaughtering pregnant farm animals during the last tenth of the gestation period; 5. Slaughter according to religious rituals; 6. Training of individuals engaged in animal euthanasia and related activities at slaughterhouses; 7. Penalties; 8. Entry into force.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation enters into force on 1 July 2023.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
BEK nr 817 af 15/06/2023: Bekendtg relse om aflivning, herunder slagtning, af dyr.