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Directive 2001/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 94/57/EC on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations.

Type of law

Certain amendments are hereby laid down to Directive 94/57/EC, which has established common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organizations as well as for the relevant activities of maritime administrations. Firstly, article 1(1) lays down the provisions which shall replace article 2 of Directive 94/57/EC as regards the definitions of ship flying the flag of a Member State , inspections and surveys , class certificate and cargo ship safety radio certificate . Article 4 is replaced by the text contained in article 1 (3) hereto. This provision describes the procedure to be followed by Member States wishing to grant an authorization to any organization which is not yet recognized. The Annex to Directive 94/57/EC is amended in accordance with article 1, paragraph 16, in respect of general minimum criteria and specific minimum criteria to be fulfilled by the organizations.
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Official Journal L 19, 22 January 2002, pp. 9-16.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment