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Regulation (EU) 2016/791 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) No. 1308/2013 and (EU) No. 1306/2013 as regards the aid scheme for the supply of fruit and vegetables, bananas and milk in educational establishments.

Type of law

This Regulation replaces Section 1 of Chapter II of Title I of Part II of Regulations (EU) No. 1308/2013 as regards aid for the supply of fruit and vegetables and of milk and milk products in educational establishments. The replaced provisions concern the aid scheme intended to improve the distribution of agricultural products and improving children's eating habits is aimed at children who regularly attend nurseries, pre-schools or primary or secondary-level educational establishments which are administered or recognized by the competent authorities of Member States. Further amendments concern Regulation (EU) No. 1306/2013 as regards the European Union's financial contribution to the measures related to animal diseases and loss of consumer confidence as referred to in article 220 of Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013.
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Official Journal of the European Union L 135, 24 May 2016, pp. 1-10.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment