Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry amending the Decree on producer organizations in the fruit and vegetables sectors (No. 553 of 2009).
Type of law
This Decree amends the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on producer organizations in the fruit and vegetables sectors by adding articles 6a and 6b. The producer organization shall in connection with the application for approval of the operational program indicate if environmental measures are implemented in accordance with specified EC legislation. The measures shall comply with Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Article 6b sets out the measures that can be implemented: a) measures to improve energy efficiency and use of renewable energy based on an energy audit or energy plan, which reduces the use of fossil fuels or energy consumption by at least 20 per cent; b) transition to the carbon dioxide fertilization using carbon dioxide in the flue gas industry or the carbon dioxide resulting from the burning of biofuels, LPG or natural gas for heating: c) The measures presented in an environment mapping; d) establishing a system for integrated control methods (IPM) within the producer organization's business or in the case of certain crops; e) establishment of a bio-bed for the collection, storage and degradation of pesticides; f) the use of organisms for biological control as an alternative to chemicals; g) measures related to the need for water, seepage and erosion of water and fertilizers, soil water management or irrigation needs, which reduces water or waste water and runoff by at least 25 percent, h) centralized procurement and sale of biodegradable materials.
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Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Jord- och skogsbruksministeriets f rordning om ndring av jord- och skogsbruksministeriets f rordning om producentorganisationerna inom sektorn f r frukt och gr nsaker.