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Rivers and Streams Act.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Act defines what waters are to be open for the public (sect. 2), provide for easements on the banks of waters open to the public (sect. 3), and provides for water rights with respect of rivers and streams and related matters. It further makes provision for the appointment of River Boards by the Commissioner of Each Division. Proprietors of land or towns and villages, or inhabitants adjacent to rivers shall be have the same rights as "the public" and may be granted rights with respect to water use irrigation, industry, agriculture, etc. by the Director of Lands and the Surveyor-General (sect. 7). The Registrar of Titles shall register a water right or licences under section 12. Section 13 defines the application sphere of the Act. The Director shall describe the water right by the size of the pipe that shall carry the water or allowed use expressed in cubic inches. (18 sections)
Long title of text
An Act to define the public rights in the rivers and streams of Fiji.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Revised edition of 1985 of Ordinance No. 14 of 1880.
Serial Imprint
Laws of Fiji, (Cap. 136), pp. 3-7.
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment